sandeep thukral: Sports at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: Sports at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: Flying high on skates
sandeep thukral: Dutch Heaven model at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: The SnowWhites of Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: model at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: TTL (Through The Legs) Photography
sandeep thukral: Sony James Bond Show at Zom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: Oops...
sandeep thukral: Kamera-Expres 'models' at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: Hold that pose at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: Shoot the Photographer at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: If looks could kill... at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: Flying throught he air at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: Through The Legs (TTL) Photography at Zoom Experience 2008
sandeep thukral: That is how we do it at Zoom Experience 208
sandeep thukral: That is how we do it at Zoom Experience 208
sandeep thukral: If looks could kill... at Zoom Experience 2008