thru jens eyes: think pink
thru jens eyes: cutest boots ever!
thru jens eyes: there's no place like the fork group
thru jens eyes: get your party on
thru jens eyes: zip it gooood
thru jens eyes: one step...
thru jens eyes: kick up your heels wild style
thru jens eyes: i love ed
thru jens eyes: put on your pink
thru jens eyes: put on your party shoes
thru jens eyes: just chillin shoes
thru jens eyes: happy hour X 3 of me
thru jens eyes: i can't even stand how much i love these
thru jens eyes: paw prints under suede boots
thru jens eyes: hearts under boots
thru jens eyes: roses are red...violets are...
thru jens eyes: monkeys with bannannas
thru jens eyes: this is getting ridiculous!
thru jens eyes: maybe she wouldn't mind that i walked on her table for a good cause