*cindi: one little guy is ready...
*cindi: tripod went up all right...
*cindi: trying to figure out the timer again led to several of these shots...
*cindi: finally it works!
*cindi: OK
*cindi: We need everyone outside!
*cindi: Little ones too!
*cindi: Dad directing...
*cindi: Is this everyone?
*cindi: Missing a couple...
*cindi: Are we ready?
*cindi: ARE WE SET??
*cindi: Almost there...
*cindi: Little ones trying different spots...
*cindi: Doing the best we can...
*cindi: 1 2 3 CHEESE!!!
*cindi: dueling photographers...
*cindi: girls
*cindi: boys
*cindi: cousins
*cindi: 1st and 2nd cousins
*cindi: couple #1
*cindi: siblings
*cindi: original family
*cindi: couple #1 and 3
*cindi: Colorado family
*cindi: couple #1 and 2
*cindi: Couple 5 + kiddos
*cindi: couple #1 and 4