Throwingbull: Pennsylvania Avenue
Throwingbull: US Capitol from Newseum observation deck
Throwingbull: Gutenberg's Puzzle
Throwingbull: KXAS TV-5 News Chopper
Throwingbull: Fallen journalists
Throwingbull: Journalist's bullet-riddled truck
Throwingbull: Journalist's bullet-riddled truck
Throwingbull: Depicting Freedom Worldwide
Throwingbull: First Amendment Controversy
Throwingbull: Freedom of Press, Speech, Religion
Throwingbull: Effective Protesting, not rioting
Throwingbull: 911 Pentagon Attack
Throwingbull: Bathroom headline humor
Throwingbull: Bathroom headline humor
Throwingbull: 911 Headlines and World Trade Center broadcast antenna
Throwingbull: 911 Headlines and World Trade Center broadcast antenna
Throwingbull: Dewey Defeats Truman
Throwingbull: Presidential race headlines
Throwingbull: The Battle of Fort Sumter
Throwingbull: Watergate Door
Throwingbull: Nixon Resigns
Throwingbull: News History Timeline
Throwingbull: 1493 Newspaper
Throwingbull: Declaration of Independence
Throwingbull: Upper level view
Throwingbull: Twisted Sister
Throwingbull: Deanna reading about censorship
Throwingbull: Looking up into Berlin Wall guard tower
Throwingbull: Guard tower over Berlin Wall
Throwingbull: Berlin Wall