Throwingbull: Charles County Courthouse
Throwingbull: Town Hall
Throwingbull: Train station and museum
Throwingbull: The rails through town
Throwingbull: Police Department
Throwingbull: Sage advice: Do Not Enter
Throwingbull: Look left and right when crossing. For added visibility carry orange flag across with you.
Throwingbull: United States Post Office: La Plata, MD: 20646
Throwingbull: Celebrating 125 years
Throwingbull: La Plata Police Department
Throwingbull: Maryland State Police, Barrack H, La Plata
Throwingbull: La Plata Loves Music Mural
Throwingbull: La Plata Police Cruiser
Throwingbull: La Plata Police Car
Throwingbull: Charles County (MD) Sheriff Cruiser
Throwingbull: Charles County (MD) Sheriff's Van
Throwingbull: Charles County Sheriff's La Plata Station
Throwingbull: Charles County Sheriff Headquarters