Throwingbull: Deanna at Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Castle Pinckney
Throwingbull: Cannon ports at Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Deanna on boat to Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Cannon's aim
Throwingbull: Cannon detail
Throwingbull: Swamp near Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Flags viewed from below
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Cannon detail
Throwingbull: Flags of Fort Sumter
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Flags and cannon
Throwingbull: Cannon battery
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: The flags at Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Cannon and port
Throwingbull: Deanna touching unexploded shell which had been shot at Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: Interior of Ft. Sumter
Throwingbull: View through cannon port
Throwingbull: Cannon port
Throwingbull: Ft. Sumter from boat
Throwingbull: Ft. Sumter sign
Throwingbull: Cannons