Throwboy: Synapse offices
Throwboy: Roberto leaving w/ his pillows
Throwboy: Giveaways
Throwboy: Food spread
Throwboy: Projector
Throwboy: Twitter and Flickr
Throwboy: Chillin
Throwboy: Monica Guzman
Throwboy: Session board
Throwboy: robertohoyos speaker
Throwboy: Crayon Mac Dock
Throwboy: Wii Hack
Throwboy: Watching the developers
Throwboy: Dashboard kid (Elliott)
Throwboy: Synapse Mural
Throwboy: Joseph Poon
Throwboy: Mind Camp 5.0 Sessions
Throwboy: Pillows on display
Throwboy: Developers x4
Throwboy: Sessions
Throwboy: Stop motion
Throwboy: Mind Camp badge