Justbecausephoto: Are you making fun of my hair?
Justbecausephoto: Chilling with Cade
Justbecausephoto: The newest Edition - Charlie
Justbecausephoto: the evil look.. any minute now he will pounce
Justbecausephoto: gotta love me
Justbecausephoto: leaf killer
Justbecausephoto: on Guard Double duty
Justbecausephoto: chilling in the office
Justbecausephoto: Darn Mail Man
Justbecausephoto: I have officially gone to the insane asylum when I am buying safety seats for the car for dogs!
Justbecausephoto: whytheycallthemanklebiters
Justbecausephoto: killerpuppies
Justbecausephoto: Practicing to be Toto.
Justbecausephoto: Where's Charlie - like Waldo but cuter.. haha
Justbecausephoto: wheres charile
Justbecausephoto: I promise to take pictures of something other than the dog soon.
Justbecausephoto: Charlie AFTER his first antique show.. he was one tired boy
Justbecausephoto: Charlie in antique Carriage at his first antique show
Justbecausephoto: Charlie in Studio
Justbecausephoto: Studio Practice - learning to stay at 5 mos. is a tough one.. Wait Charlie... Wait...
Justbecausephoto: Charlie and me Day off.
Justbecausephoto: Who is having more fun
Justbecausephoto: cader age 15 and still going strong.
Justbecausephoto: gangsta puppy