threedancingmagpies: Ellie - Painting Like Picasso - Clark Art
threedancingmagpies: Sam - Paint Like Picasso - Clark Art
threedancingmagpies: Last stop was the Sprinkler area
threedancingmagpies: DSC_0070.JPG
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threedancingmagpies: Partners in Crime
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threedancingmagpies: Chain saw Degas and our little dancer
threedancingmagpies: Grandma and Ellie
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threedancingmagpies: Sam loves to paint
threedancingmagpies: Ott tots love to paint
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threedancingmagpies: Sharing . . . sort of
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threedancingmagpies: DSC_0052.JPG
threedancingmagpies: DSC_0050.JPG
threedancingmagpies: DSC_0024.JPG
threedancingmagpies: DSC_0042.JPG
threedancingmagpies: Construction banner with the Clark's famous paintings
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threedancingmagpies: Being careful
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threedancingmagpies: DSC_0106.JPG
threedancingmagpies: Sam gently? holding a chick
threedancingmagpies: Ellie with a baby chick