threecorneredvoid: Exterior of the Basilique
threecorneredvoid: New vs old.
threecorneredvoid: Crisis Point III
threecorneredvoid: Crisis Point II
threecorneredvoid: Crisis Point I
threecorneredvoid: Hôtel Le Saint-James
threecorneredvoid: Pointe du Moulin IV
threecorneredvoid: Pointe du Moulin III
threecorneredvoid: Pointe du Moulin II
threecorneredvoid: Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal
threecorneredvoid: Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal
threecorneredvoid: Wooden statue of Marguerite d'Youville
threecorneredvoid: Heavenly exit
threecorneredvoid: Metropolis on Sainte-Catherine
threecorneredvoid: Post-breakfast in bed
threecorneredvoid: Pointe du Moulin I
threecorneredvoid: Tall ships in Vieux Port