threecorneredvoid: the world's largest Lenin head, Ulan-Ude
threecorneredvoid: bell ringer, Ogitria Cathedral belltower, Ulan-Ude
threecorneredvoid: Chita station by night
threecorneredvoid: shamanist hill writing, Aginskoe
threecorneredvoid: Aginski Datsan gate with cow
threecorneredvoid: Decembrist church of St Michael, Chita
threecorneredvoid: church detail
threecorneredvoid: Orthodox church, Chita
threecorneredvoid: Platzkart carriage in the aftermath
threecorneredvoid: stupa and datsan, Aginskoe
threecorneredvoid: wooden datsan detail, Aginskoe
threecorneredvoid: knucklebones