thr5: Exotic World Weekend
thr5: El Vez
thr5: The World Famous *BOB* and Dixie Evans
thr5: Once in a lifetime lineup of vintage vixens
thr5: Vivienne Va-Voom, Martini, Jaye and El Vez
thr5: Vivienne Va-Voom, Jaye and El Vez
thr5: Fannie Spankings and Charlie Champale
thr5: Opening Procession
thr5: Opening Procession
thr5: Opening Procession with El Vez
thr5: El Vez with Eiffel Tower Margarita
thr5: The World Famous *BOB*, Dixie Evans and El Vez
thr5: Miss Astrid
thr5: Lola Pearl
thr5: Redbone
thr5: Redbone
thr5: Jewel of Denial
thr5: Jewel of Denial
thr5: Jailbait Jenny
thr5: Vivienne Velvet
thr5: Vivienne Velvet
thr5: Vivienne Velvet
thr5: P1010505
thr5: Lola Martinet
thr5: Jezebel Express
thr5: Amber Topaz
thr5: Amber Topaz
thr5: Amber Topaz
thr5: Amber Topaz
thr5: P1010541