Thox: My new car (Aug 2006)
Thox: Borrowed from work
Thox: Working from home
Thox: P6180135
Thox: DSCF0055
Thox: P6100172
Thox: image_00043
Thox: image_00042
Thox: My first tent
Thox: Collapsed at Southease
Thox: PA090134
Thox: PA090133
Thox: Slowly getting out of bed
Thox: Breakfast in the tent
Thox: PA080107
Thox: PA080106
Thox: 613
Thox: 607
Thox: 605
Thox: 592
Thox: 823
Thox: 821
Thox: 820
Thox: 735
Thox: IMG_1774
Thox: DSCF1861
Thox: DSCF1860
Thox: DSCF1857
Thox: The leaders take a nap
Thox: Jumping off Snowdon