prashanth_uc: A ride in the boot ....( cont)
prashanth_uc: --- is worth 10 on the seat !
prashanth_uc: Getting the reflexes right
prashanth_uc: Warm up for all... photographer was spared !
prashanth_uc: A stretch before getting streched
prashanth_uc: Well.... not for us said the ladies !
prashanth_uc: The cool guy
prashanth_uc: The photographer
prashanth_uc: Walks are for the old... they ran
prashanth_uc: Parents catch up
prashanth_uc: Leader keeps a watchful eye camouflaged
prashanth_uc: A break
prashanth_uc: Before taking on Lucy
prashanth_uc: A push from the bottom helps
prashanth_uc: The lucy climb
prashanth_uc: Let me give you a helping hand
prashanth_uc: The cheer leaders
prashanth_uc: The grip
prashanth_uc: Almost atop lucy
prashanth_uc: Made it !
prashanth_uc: The helping hand
prashanth_uc: A friends backup
prashanth_uc: All about lucy
prashanth_uc: Can he or cant he ?
prashanth_uc: The final push
prashanth_uc: Capturing the conquest
prashanth_uc: I have made it up
prashanth_uc: The Pro Look
prashanth_uc: The pro climber looks
prashanth_uc: On the threshold of success