prashanth_uc: Springfields Ganesha
prashanth_uc: Eco-friendly Ganesha...
prashanth_uc: Never mind he travelled 1000km from Pune...err Eco Friendly ?!
prashanth_uc: Mahapooja...
prashanth_uc: Under the guidance of purohit
prashanth_uc: Aarti on and off stage
prashanth_uc: Lending his secure voice
prashanth_uc: DSC_4185
prashanth_uc: UCP_7461
prashanth_uc: Prasad line... always the longest !
prashanth_uc: To stand for prasad or wait for line to get over ?
prashanth_uc: Case of 2 prasads in hand is worth more than one in counter
prashanth_uc: Volunteers at work
prashanth_uc: When prasad line did not get shorter, their company grew bigger
prashanth_uc: Stage set for the cultural Show
prashanth_uc: Are we all set ?
prashanth_uc: Mutual admiration
prashanth_uc: Beat my smart looks challenge
prashanth_uc: How about this !? A beat this look !
prashanth_uc: Hey I see only red
prashanth_uc: Let me try it
prashanth_uc: "Practice" which parents want to see in studies too!
prashanth_uc: Recharging for the event
prashanth_uc: "Miss Tense"
prashanth_uc: "Miss Cool"
prashanth_uc: The final motivation
prashanth_uc: Can we or can't we ?
prashanth_uc: A word of advice from experienced peps the spirit up
prashanth_uc: Organising the chaos !
prashanth_uc: Stage "J" searches for partner "J" ( J- Jockey)