prashanth_uc: The Four in service of Four legged
prashanth_uc: A program for those want to give
prashanth_uc: Theory always precedes practicals
prashanth_uc: What ever it is we judge a program by the food !
prashanth_uc: A elephant territory but no one is happy just a sight of this great creature
prashanth_uc: A typical sight
prashanth_uc: View from our campsite ( HDR)
prashanth_uc: View from our campsite ( HDR)
prashanth_uc: View from our campsite ( HDR)
prashanth_uc: View from our campsite ( HDR)
prashanth_uc: National bird on the top
prashanth_uc: National bird lands
prashanth_uc: A care before hatching
prashanth_uc: Curious
prashanth_uc: Want to trade places ... I can exchange my flat in Bangalore
prashanth_uc: Water is life but not desirable on body after rain
prashanth_uc: Indifferent and the curious
prashanth_uc: Who is the protected species ?
prashanth_uc: Hare on the move is like hair on my head always on the move
prashanth_uc: Setting up a camera trap for tiger
prashanth_uc: The rare rest... we always see them flying in b'lore
prashanth_uc: The guru ! "Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu, Guru devo Maheshwar"
prashanth_uc: We sighted them too...
prashanth_uc: Most photographed in one early morning safari...
prashanth_uc: DS... Because all others were on leave
prashanth_uc: Inter species talk : " I love you " said the deer " Can you climb on the tree" asked the monkey
prashanth_uc: An evening sight
prashanth_uc: Dont look out for celebrities alone warned our guru's
prashanth_uc: A tigers version of leopard
prashanth_uc: This is how we would have seen without nikons and cannons