thoughtfarmer: Darren Gibbons, President of OpenRoad Communications & ThoughtFarmer, welcoming the crowd
thoughtfarmer: Shel Holtz, speaking about content curation on social intranets
thoughtfarmer: Toby Ward, reviewing social intranet research
thoughtfarmer: Toby Ward, taller in person than he looks in his Twitter headshot
thoughtfarmer: CV Harquail, speaking on social intranets and company purpose
thoughtfarmer: CV Harquail, of Authentic Organizations
thoughtfarmer: CV Harquail, Ephraim Freed and Tanis Roadhouse chatting it up during a break
thoughtfarmer: Selma Zafar and Bryan T. Robertson chatting it up during a break
thoughtfarmer: SISV attendees enjoying one of the highly coveted coffee breaks
thoughtfarmer: Coffee, beautiful views of the Puget Sound and tons of great conversations
thoughtfarmer: Eliza Lee & Amanda Bremner from the ThoughtFarmer team
thoughtfarmer: Gentry Underwood and a conference attendee, probably wishing they had a boat
thoughtfarmer: Deane Barker, a founder and the Content Management Practice Director of Blend Interactive
thoughtfarmer: Deane Barker, explaining the C-level execs' fears about social intranets
thoughtfarmer: ThoughtFarmer's Selma Zafar, speaking about context of use for mobile design
thoughtfarmer: Andy Jankowski of the Intranet Benchmarking Forum (IBF)
thoughtfarmer: Andy Jankwoski, explaining the science linking social intranets and happiness
thoughtfarmer: Thomas Vander Wal, speaking about tagging and folksonomy
thoughtfarmer: Desserts were delicious and beautiful
thoughtfarmer: SISV attendees enjoying a healthy and delicious lunch
thoughtfarmer: "Why yes, I do love intranets!"
thoughtfarmer: ThoughtFarmer President, Darren Gibbons, talking about intranet awesomeness with clients
thoughtfarmer: Mark Fidelman, speaking on "What if Richard Branson Led a Social Intranet Initiative at Virgin?"
thoughtfarmer: Mark Fidelman, General Manager, VP of Sales Americas, at
thoughtfarmer: Rachel Happe, Co-Founder / Principal, The Community Roundtable
thoughtfarmer: Rachel Happe, speaking about The State of Community Management in 2011
thoughtfarmer: Alasdair Stuart-Bell, speaking on The public sector Intranet – what should we expect tomorrow?
thoughtfarmer: Chris McGrath of ThoughtFarmer, looking rather dapper as the MC for SISV
thoughtfarmer: ThoughtFarmer's Ephraim Freed, trying to tone down the charm
thoughtfarmer: Stowe Boyd, Web Anthropologist