Thorwulf: From the finals; Duke Rorik vs Sir Aethelhere.
Thorwulf: From the finals; Duke Rorik vs Sir Aethelhere.
Thorwulf: From the finals; Duke Rorik vs Sir Aethelhere.
Thorwulf: Rorik victorious.
Thorwulf: Rorik and Gwendolyn being invested as first Tanist and Tanista.
Thorwulf: Rorik and Gwendolyn being invested as first Tanist and Tanista.
Thorwulf: Rorik and Gwendolyn being invested as first Tanist and Tanista.
Thorwulf: IMG_5753
Thorwulf: The Knighting of Vik Vikingson and Albrecht von Rugen
Thorwulf: The Knighting of Vik Vikingson and Albrecht von Rugen
Thorwulf: The Knighting of Vik Vikingson and Albrecht von Rugen
Thorwulf: The Knighting of Vik Vikingson and Albrecht von Rugen
Thorwulf: The Knighting of Vik Vikingson and Albrecht von Rugen
Thorwulf: The coolest part of being Baron and Baroness!
Thorwulf: Proud to be Havok
Thorwulf: IMG_1513
Thorwulf: Walking with Aelfwyn
Thorwulf: Stepping up as Montengarde's Baron and Baroness's with Aelfwyn ( Then Sapphira)
Thorwulf: IMG_1524
Thorwulf: Recieving my buffet
Thorwulf: My Knighting
Thorwulf: Edward Ross fighting his Knight Sir Harold of Warrington
Thorwulf: Me 1983
Thorwulf: Sparring with Vik 1996
Thorwulf: Mugging with Wulfhere.
Thorwulf: Wulfhere and Baroness Laurel
Thorwulf: Duke Paul Fighting seminar
Thorwulf: Heading off to war.
Thorwulf: The Gucci Busters!!
Thorwulf: War mongering old Baron