Thorwulf: Face lift for an old Queen
Thorwulf: The long shore
Thorwulf: Approach to Metropolis
Thorwulf: Canada Place
Thorwulf: Awaiting cargo
Thorwulf: Dead Cats
Thorwulf: Loading
Thorwulf: Our chariots twin
Thorwulf: Metropolis grows
Thorwulf: New heights
Thorwulf: New terminals of the 21st century
Thorwulf: Old terminals of the last century
Thorwulf: Supermans' home town
Thorwulf: Not far from home
Thorwulf: Steel Dinosaurs
Thorwulf: The heart of a beast
Thorwulf: Spinning up...
Thorwulf: ...preparing...
Thorwulf: ...for lift off.
Thorwulf: Inside the terminal.
Thorwulf: Arches.
Thorwulf: bell outside gov't offices.
Thorwulf: Quiting Time!
Thorwulf: Marine Building downtown Vancouver
Thorwulf: Carole in front of 'The Daily Planet' errr... the Marine Bldg.
Thorwulf: Streets of Metropolis
Thorwulf: Streets of Metropolis
Thorwulf: Celebration of Glass & Steel...
Thorwulf: ...stone & mortar
Thorwulf: glory