thorquabbin: The folk gather
thorquabbin: Dave, Patty and Mark
thorquabbin: Bill holds court
thorquabbin: The youngest heathen in the house
thorquabbin: Dave talks with Alice and Mike
thorquabbin: Bill still holding court
thorquabbin: Kiddos catch some B-ball
thorquabbin: Time to raid the fridge
thorquabbin: Sean, Nichole, Eric, Dorff and Michelle
thorquabbin: Darlene of TRK arrives
thorquabbin: Brother Ravens - Jon, Rick and Jeff
thorquabbin: Jon, Pat and Jeff ham it up
thorquabbin: Skadi is honored in her element - extreme cold and very windy
thorquabbin: Hail Skadi!
thorquabbin: Patty describes the one that got away
thorquabbin: The kitchen. Favorite heathen hangout.
thorquabbin: Feast! Venison stew as well as rabbit stew, and much more
thorquabbin: Good times
thorquabbin: Pat hams it up
thorquabbin: Couch dancing?
thorquabbin: Rick guards the stairs
thorquabbin: Kindred Krazies
thorquabbin: Headless Sandi!