Thor Lux: Velocity
Thor Lux: From bike to foot
Thor Lux: Let us swim
Thor Lux: Walking on the beach
Thor Lux: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
Thor Lux: In a curve
Thor Lux: On the bike
Thor Lux: Monstruo de migas abrazado
Thor Lux: Sonrisa
Thor Lux: Cooling down
Thor Lux: Contraluz
Thor Lux: Playing in the sand
Thor Lux: With Daddy
Thor Lux: Biking
Thor Lux: Running
Thor Lux: To where will she throw the ball???
Thor Lux: Out of the water
Thor Lux: Color points
Thor Lux: Cansada
Thor Lux: Carlos
Thor Lux: Running in the heat
Thor Lux: Stop here
Thor Lux: End of biking
Thor Lux: Last meters
Thor Lux: Carlos
Thor Lux: Contraluz
Thor Lux: Starting
Thor Lux: Running