Thonk!: portrait of our portraits of you taking a portrait of me taking a portrait of you, baby
Thonk!: lovers lane
Thonk!: sturgeon bay steel bridge lives again!
Thonk!: major award, third-place champions, pub quiz trivia, team awesome
Thonk!: dinosaur & lovely other dinosaur
Thonk!: destiny
Thonk!: porcupinecone
Thonk!: roller relics
Thonk!: no studio partay today
Thonk!: dishwashing diversion portrait
Thonk!: making of "breakfast" (kim's pic-o-the-day)
Thonk!: I am woman (doing laundry)
Thonk!: wandering adventure
Thonk!: thirst
Thonk!: king me
Thonk!: coldest day of winter, so far
Thonk!: Chicago POPULATION 2,853,114 ~~~ So much sorrow...
Thonk!: brand-new toothbrushes
Thonk!: weapon of choice
Thonk!: morning
Thonk!: surf's up
Thonk!: superbowl sendoff ~ GO PACK!!
Thonk!: out clubbin' (sam's club)
Thonk!: ...waaayyy in the very back deepest-darkest corner of the Packers' Lambeau Field gift shop...
Thonk!: high five! (failed Guinness world record attempt - Lambeau Field)
Thonk!: after dinner ~ camera timer
Thonk!: CHAMPS!!! ~ the city of green bay celebrates