thomwisdom: This guy and his mustache are everywhere on campus
thomwisdom: The mustache can't protect you from falling branches
thomwisdom: Stilt kids
thomwisdom: tiny garden path
thomwisdom: Snow no evil
thomwisdom: Not snow
thomwisdom: slide ladder
thomwisdom: The Bird of Sapporo
thomwisdom: Can't tell what is being smashed
thomwisdom: Honey Citron
thomwisdom: tiers
thomwisdom: Les Feuilles Mortes Japonaises
thomwisdom: There's no need for the construction barriers to be this cute
thomwisdom: Who is this?
thomwisdom: Grannies sorting socks for cash on live TV
thomwisdom: the Sapporo Short Film Fest dome
thomwisdom: Who is Nispa?
thomwisdom: Hotel lobby guardian owl
thomwisdom: My favorite Japanese bike brands so far
thomwisdom: Jazz hand/hamburger + mustache + sombrero!
thomwisdom: Mustache again
thomwisdom: Going to figure out how these yogurts are different
thomwisdom: Lampshades
thomwisdom: Free pretty cups
thomwisdom: Cute construction barrier 2
thomwisdom: botanical gardens