Thompson Photography:
David Wright house carpeting
Thompson Photography:
'Corner' of Octagon community center
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House kitchen window
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House roof detail
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House living room rug detail
Thompson Photography:
View from roof of David Wright House
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House (street view)
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House - 1955
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House - 1955
Thompson Photography:
David Wright guesthouse
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House dining area
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House - 1955
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House living room
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House ramp to roof
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House and guesthouse
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House living room nook
Thompson Photography:
David Wright House living room
Thompson Photography:
First Christian Church - 1950
Thompson Photography:
First Christian Church - 1950
Thompson Photography:
First Christian Church - 1950
Thompson Photography:
First Christian Church - 1950
Thompson Photography:
Arcosanti artifact
Thompson Photography:
Arcosanti artifact
Thompson Photography:
Arcosanti silt-cast panels
Thompson Photography:
Thompson Photography:
Silt-cast panels at Arcosanti
Thompson Photography:
Arcosanti construction camp
Thompson Photography:
Arcosanti construction camp
Thompson Photography:
Arcosanti construction camp
Thompson Photography:
Arcosanti construction camp