Thompson Photography: Monastery at La Tourette (1956)
Thompson Photography: Monastery at La Tourette (1956)
Thompson Photography: Monastery at La Tourette (1956)
Thompson Photography: Monastery at La Tourette (1956)
Thompson Photography: Chapel skylight
Thompson Photography: Monastery at La Tourette (1956)
Thompson Photography: Monastery at La Tourette (1956)
Thompson Photography: Monastery at LaTourette (1956)
Thompson Photography: Monastery at La Tourette (1956)
Thompson Photography: Monastery de La Tourette
Thompson Photography: Inside the chapel at Monastery de La Tourette
Thompson Photography: Church of Saint - Pierre
Thompson Photography: Church of Saint - Pierre
Thompson Photography: Church of Saint - Pierre
Thompson Photography: Church of Saint - Pierre
Thompson Photography: Church of Saint - Pierre
Thompson Photography: Church of Saint - Pierre
Thompson Photography: Representation
Thompson Photography: Abstract takeaway
Thompson Photography: Habitation at Firminy-Vert
Thompson Photography: Habitation at Firminy-Vert
Thompson Photography: Habitation at Firminy-Vert
Thompson Photography: Habitation at Firminy-Vert
Thompson Photography: Model of Habitation at Firminy-Vert
Thompson Photography: View from Community 'room'
Thompson Photography: Community center detail
Thompson Photography: Corridor at Firminy-Vert Habitation
Thompson Photography: Habitation at Firminy-Vert
Thompson Photography: A rather barren roofscape (due to budget constraints)