QuantFoto: snapshot of the night [TAKEN @Day 1]
QuantFoto: snapshot of life
QuantFoto: snapshot of life
QuantFoto: snapshot of life
QuantFoto: 风车windmil
QuantFoto: 北奥林匹克公园 Northern Olympic forest park
QuantFoto: 桃花peach blossom
QuantFoto: 河开了
QuantFoto: 河开了
QuantFoto: Fireworks 2010 CNY
QuantFoto: Fireworks 2010 CNY
QuantFoto: Beijing 20091101 Snowing
QuantFoto: Beijing 20091101 Snowing
QuantFoto: 玲珑塔与音乐喷泉Linglong tower and Musical spring.
QuantFoto: 中秋登司马台长城
QuantFoto: 中秋登司马台长城
QuantFoto: Night scene of Beijing
QuantFoto: 鸟巢20091001-Bird's Nest(also called "Chinese National stadium")
QuantFoto: One night in Beijing--警察很辛苦
QuantFoto: Autumn is coming......
QuantFoto: Dew is best gift for who wake up early
QuantFoto: 国庆日,起大早
QuantFoto: 一米见方一个世界
QuantFoto: 花系列-The 7th China Flower Expo
QuantFoto: 花系列-The 7th China Flower Expo
QuantFoto: 中国国家科学技术馆 Inside China science and technology museum
QuantFoto: 地下酒窖 --Zhangyu Co. wine Cellar, Beijing
QuantFoto: 白洋淀渔民Fisherfolk of BaiYangdian
QuantFoto: 夕阳.摇橹船
QuantFoto: Lotus-Imperical concubine