thomasrost: Jente og laks
thomasrost: Få ut kroken
thomasrost: Ut med snøre, dra inn...
thomasrost: A Place to Bury Strangers
thomasrost: Lake Øyungen in fog
thomasrost: Romjulsaking
thomasrost: Lillomarka
thomasrost: Jobben
thomasrost: Hurra Madiba!
thomasrost: Majestetix
thomasrost: mixer
thomasrost: Sommer i september
thomasrost: O vestland, vestland!
thomasrost: When I woke up this morning...
thomasrost: Tur
thomasrost: Easy
thomasrost: Det beste gjemmestedet.
thomasrost: Små gleder på vei til jobb: reklameskilt put to good use (men for all del: fortsatt reklame)
thomasrost: Vål'enga-vinter!
thomasrost: Hodelykt i akebakken. #romjul #litely
thomasrost: 016 / 365
thomasrost: The raised arm
thomasrost: 114 / 365
thomasrost: 123 / 365
thomasrost: "Mare Nostrum" in the making
thomasrost: Plantepakke / Planting Kit
thomasrost: Flags ahoi
thomasrost: Passe på.