Thomas A Riddle: 01 Potala Palace, on the left, in Lhasa
Thomas A Riddle: 02 in the park in front of the Potala
Thomas A Riddle: 03 Potala on the right as seen from my hotel
Thomas A Riddle: 04 top of the Jokhang temple in Lhasa - construction started in 652 - most Tibetans consider this the most important temple in Tibet
Thomas A Riddle: 05 looking into the Jokhang temple
Thomas A Riddle: 06 looking from the roof of the Jokhang temple down into the Barkhor Square with the Potala in the upper right
Thomas A Riddle: 07 entering the inner shrine of the Jokhang temple
Thomas A Riddle: 08 preparing butter lamps in the Jokhang temple
Thomas A Riddle: 09 men with horses on the high plains of Tibet
Thomas A Riddle: 10 herders with their sheep
Thomas A Riddle: 11 village scene
Thomas A Riddle: 12 mother and child who came to see the tourists
Thomas A Riddle: 13 curious mother and her three children
Thomas A Riddle: 14 Gyantse Dzong or Gyantse Fortress - the next picture shows the eyes of the temple on the right
Thomas A Riddle: 15 the all-seeing compassionate eyes of the Buddha
Thomas A Riddle: 16 - inside the temple in Gyantse, the Snowjewel-dot-com tour operator, Roger Pfister, explains the details - photo by fellow traveler (c)Pierre Racine
Thomas A Riddle: 17 during the Saga Dawa festival a huge tapestry is hung from the top left corner of the wall - next picture
Thomas A Riddle: 18 just after sunrise the tapestry, in a great ceremony, is lowered down above Gyantse
Thomas A Riddle: 19 the tapestry is magnificient
Thomas A Riddle: 20 during the festival traditional music is played and, next picture, colorful dances are performed
Thomas A Riddle: 21 the enjoyment of festival is enhanced by the liberal consumption of local moonshine
Thomas A Riddle: 22 at a pass on the way to Mt Kailash are prayer wheels that are turned by the wind
Thomas A Riddle: 23 the first view of Mt Kailash
Thomas A Riddle: 24 a herding family camping in the shadow of Mt Kailash
Thomas A Riddle: 25 this still from my Youtube movie - Mt Kailash and the Walk around the Sacred Mountain - shows the height and distance of the walk
Thomas A Riddle: 26 after just a few hours of walking on the first day comes the first glimpse of Mt Kailash
Thomas A Riddle: 27 most of the walk around the mountain is on a more-or-less flat path like this
Thomas A Riddle: 28 visitors lucky enough to walk early in the season can experience a certain magic unavailable later in the year
Thomas A Riddle: 29 the best views of Kailash come as the first day of walking ends - the North Face as seen from Dirapuk Monastery
Thomas A Riddle: 30 Mt Kailash at sunrise