Thomas A Riddle: The Main Temple in Bodh Gaya, India.
Thomas A Riddle: Poor working children hurry past leisurely tourists in downtown Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: Women threshing rice not far from the Pragya Vihar School.
Thomas A Riddle: Members of the world's oldest profession relax in a parked rickshaw in Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: Women hauling bricks in Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: A bicycle rickshaw outside its owner's house in Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: Women outside a small village store in Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: Goats sun themselves in a Bodh Gaya neighborhood.
Thomas A Riddle: Neighborhood store in Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: A Pragya Vihar school students grabs a snack outside her home in Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: Student poses outside her home.
Thomas A Riddle: Posing outside the home.
Thomas A Riddle: The next picture was taken in their bedroom.
Thomas A Riddle: This women and the children all sleep on this bed. To keep the mosquitoes away they light a coil every night.
Thomas A Riddle: One of the nicer houses of a student in the school.
Thomas A Riddle: The neighborhood store outside the house of Jyoti Kumari, the student who introduces and concludes the 2013 movie that I made about the school.
Thomas A Riddle: Jyoti's father, mother, Jyoti, her sister, Dipa, and her grandmother.
Thomas A Riddle: Jyoti and her mother.
Thomas A Riddle: Jyoti's older sister prepares lunch.
Thomas A Riddle: Cleaning rice.
Thomas A Riddle: A woman carries water to her home.
Thomas A Riddle: Bodh Gaya_2010 42
Thomas A Riddle: A hamlet about 30 minutes by auto-rickshaw outside of Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: Students at home.
Thomas A Riddle: In a student's bedroom.
Thomas A Riddle: Student's bedroom in a village near Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: A student poses in her home in a hamlet outside of Bodh Gaya.
Thomas A Riddle: A student and his mother.
Thomas A Riddle: Clothes washing.
Thomas A Riddle: A mother and her daughter come back from the fields.