Thomas A Riddle: Map of Bodh Gaya showing the Pragya Vihar School
Thomas A Riddle: View of the Prajna Vihar school, with a classroom under a tree.
Thomas A Riddle: The Prajna Vihar school building after the new addition.
Thomas A Riddle: Pragya Vihar School
Thomas A Riddle: The main Bodh Gaya Main Temple as seen from the roof of the school.
Thomas A Riddle: Inspecting a student's notes, with the famous Bodh Gaya stupa in the background.
Thomas A Riddle: Book bags marking the places where students will sit in a makeshift classroom.
Thomas A Riddle: rashida speaks and why she loves teaching
Thomas A Riddle: A student cleans her classroom before the morning assembly.
Thomas A Riddle: Cleaning up before school begins.
Thomas A Riddle: morning assembly a young boy meditates
Thomas A Riddle: Students meditating as part of the morning assembly program at the Prajna Vihar School.
Thomas A Riddle: The older boys meditating before classes begin.
Thomas A Riddle: girl in prayer at Prafjna Vihar morning assembly
Thomas A Riddle: morning assembly- waiting to enter the school
Thomas A Riddle: Meditating before school begins..
Thomas A Riddle: morning assembly - a young woman speaks to the school
Thomas A Riddle: morning assembly
Thomas A Riddle: Lining up before entering the school building.
Thomas A Riddle: Meditation in a classroom.
Thomas A Riddle: Students practicing meditation in a classroom.
Thomas A Riddle: Grading papers.
Thomas A Riddle: Waiting to see the teacher.
Thomas A Riddle: English practice.
Thomas A Riddle: Three friends.
Thomas A Riddle: Three young girls pose for the camera.
Thomas A Riddle: Making a correction.
Thomas A Riddle: Checking students notebooks.
Thomas A Riddle: Clearly these students like their teacher.
Thomas A Riddle: A school prefect asks a student why she is late for class.