Tom Purves: Catching up on work with Michelle, fuzzily.
Tom Purves: Queen st Taxis, and time to head home
Tom Purves: A Dell never got the girls going like this before
Tom Purves: Isn't this part supposed to stay on when you're riding?
Tom Purves: Turkey no1
Tom Purves: A team of sex-obsessed rails developers demo what they’ve been doing late at night
Tom Purves: Tiff aftermath
Tom Purves: Pretty bubbly building
Tom Purves: DSC03031
Tom Purves: How to pour 5 martinis at the same time while on fire.
Tom Purves: Porter flight attendant looking good
Tom Purves: In control
Tom Purves: An Important Idea: Generation 'n' (net) the echo of the boom generation, the biggest generation ever are entering the workforce
Tom Purves: Mike Mcderment and Freshbooks
Tom Purves: DSC02531
Tom Purves: quick take a picture of the picture of the picture...
Tom Purves: DSC02285
Tom Purves: Democamp7 crowd
Tom Purves: Rain rain stuck in miami, so close to the terminal
Tom Purves: this is gorgeous
Tom Purves: the hole in new york
Tom Purves: 710930018106_0_ALB
Tom Purves: ulstercoinwash
Tom Purves: Mad Japanese styles
Tom Purves: run, run away
Tom Purves: taking fish pictures
Tom Purves: cleanin the fish tank
Tom Purves: blossoms
Tom Purves: Daisies for the chain
Tom Purves: breakfast at stem