Tom Purves: cory doctorow Bruce Sterling
Tom Purves: Cory and Bruce
Tom Purves: myself at lift
Tom Purves: columbian product designer friends from milan
Tom Purves: DSC00617
Tom Purves: the controversial women's panel
Tom Purves: scoble's talk at lift
Tom Purves: the lovely amina
Tom Purves: slipping out the back of lift06 party, to this place?
Tom Purves: joshua
Tom Purves: t:go jp 'godfather of the geneva liquid scene'
Tom Purves: back streets of geneva
Tom Purves: bye switzerland
Tom Purves: bye switzerland
Tom Purves: geneva cycles
Tom Purves: geneva late
Tom Purves: lights-of-geneva
Tom Purves: pub-crawl
Tom Purves: the UN
Tom Purves: vicky visits from london
Tom Purves: hill-geneva
Tom Purves: geneva
Tom Purves: Hugh + the dj + non-stop steely dan = best friends 4ever
Tom Purves: Geoff Jones, a smart guy
Tom Purves: regine debatty
Tom Purves: cory doctorow Bruce Sterling