Thomas Le Ngo: Bipartisan Cafe
Thomas Le Ngo: Coffee production worker at Solcafe
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7928
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7929
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7934
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7938
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7943
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7946
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7947
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7954
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7955
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7958
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7959
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7960
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7963
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7965
Thomas Le Ngo: Sorting coffee beans by hand
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7968
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7970
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7972
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7975
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7976
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7979
Thomas Le Ngo: Preparing to cup at Solcafe quality control
Thomas Le Ngo: Coffee brands that use Solcafe coffee
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7989
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7990
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7991
Thomas Le Ngo: IMG_7992
Thomas Le Ngo: Emily spoons coffee at the cupping