Thomas Hawk: Garbled
Thomas Hawk: Sly in the Sky
Thomas Hawk: Through the Eyes of Another
Thomas Hawk: So Lonely
Thomas Hawk: Crept
Thomas Hawk: There's a Party Going on Somewhere
Thomas Hawk: Switchbone
Thomas Hawk: Square One, My Plate is Clear
Thomas Hawk: Can't Sell Your Soul for Peace of Mind
Thomas Hawk: Knew Some More Secrets
Thomas Hawk: And Venus Was Her Name
Thomas Hawk: She's Where I Go to Find Peace of Mind
Thomas Hawk: The World Around Me Falls Apart
Thomas Hawk: Had to Find Some Higher Ground
Thomas Hawk: Ride My See Saw
Thomas Hawk: Have You Seen This Film
Thomas Hawk: It Said Greased Monkey
Thomas Hawk: Her Weapons Were Her Crystal Eyes
Thomas Hawk: Yeah Baby
Thomas Hawk: Switchbone
Thomas Hawk: This Kind of Day Has No Night
Thomas Hawk: Spiderman Spiderman
Thomas Hawk: Had Some Fear to Get Around
Thomas Hawk: Through the Eyes of Another
Thomas Hawk: Square One, My Plate is Clear
Thomas Hawk: Please Tell Me Who is Who
Thomas Hawk: The Birds Are Flying Low
Thomas Hawk: Goodbye Blue Sky
Thomas Hawk: Last Time Through I Hid My Tracks
Thomas Hawk: Will She or Won't She