thomasgene: guy in glasses eats guitar
thomasgene: Cymbals eat Guitars
thomasgene: keyboarding
thomasgene: guy eats mic
thomasgene: guy eats boards of Canada
thomasgene: odd piercing
thomasgene: looks like he's on the 1's and 2's
thomasgene: shirt eats man
thomasgene: cymbals eat keyboards
thomasgene: Cymbals Eat Guitars
thomasgene: looks like he changed glasses
thomasgene: Cymbals Eat Guitars
thomasgene: The Duke
thomasgene: The Dutchess
thomasgene: Duke smoking
thomasgene: The Duke's tattoo
thomasgene: The duke's guitar
thomasgene: Duke & Dutchess
thomasgene: The tattooed Dutchess
thomasgene: Dutchess
thomasgene: She's the dutchess and he's the duke
thomasgene: Dutchess close up
thomasgene: The dutchess
thomasgene: The Dutchess
thomasgene: The dutchess and the duke