Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Returning from Blackdown”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “W.L. motor drivers”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Barton & McGinns & self”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “D. Square. W.L. Quarters.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Sitting room. Leacroft, [Ahus,] [Hawks].”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Sitting room Macworth & Layard.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Self & Sid: Deasy.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “The “staff” & Co.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Tea in the heather”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Sergt. Clemson.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Miss [Shillington's] farewell dinner, May 15 1919”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “In the staff car yard.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Afternoon Party in the Garden of Buckingham Palace
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Hat trimming Camp:”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “At the [Jymkhauka?] Aldershot.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: The royal Hunt Cup: Irish Elegance Wins “seven & me against. my choice.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Aldershot Horse Show.”
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Official Programme: Royal Henley Peace Regatta
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: “Self & Vauxhall at Langemerk”