Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: A scene in a kindergarten in Sian
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: No holiday passes without political playlets in the city parks. This photo, taken in Peking, satirizes the U.S. policy in Viet Nam. The man in the high hat is President Johnson. The man on the ground is General Maxwell Taylor, being punished by President
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Children in a kindergarten playing "bus"
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: The song and dance have now become essential parts of life in China but both are being used primarily to carry through the party line. These girls, in a Peking park, show Viet Nam guerrillas pursuing the Americans.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: A cable factory in Shanghai. The poster in the background urges the workers to follow the "Three Red Banners" -- "Long Live the General Line of the Party" --"Long Live the Great Leap Forward" -- "Long Live the People's Communes"
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: An exhibition of built in China industrial machinary in Shanghai, in what was once the Hall of Soviet Chinese Friendship. These are all prototypes, and are never seen in use in factories open to the western visitor. They occasionally crop up, however...
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: A street display of propaganda films and publications
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Every city has its displays of propaganda cartoons and photographs. This is a typical one.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: An anti-American demonstration in Peking. Part of the banner top centre suggests these are workers from a paper-making plant. The cartoon in the right hand top corner says "Johnson Has Lost His Mind Again".
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: The offices of the People's Daily, the official organ of the Communist Party. It is "must" reading for every Communist and every official who wants to get ahead.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: A sidewalk tea shop in Sian in western China. There is no private enterprise in China and even this establishment is owned by a cooperative.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Agriculture in China is still decades from mechanization. These are scenes from one of the most famous communes in China, in the province of Shansi.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: A girl weaving a rug in Mongolia
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Factory scenes in China: 46 shows a machine tool plant
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Factory scenes in China: 45 shows a woman worker
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: A peasant woman with her grandchild. In contrast to the past, the children are uniformly well-fed and healthy.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: The offices of the People's Daily, the official organ of the Communist Party. It is "must" reading for every Communist and every official who wants to get ahead.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Agriculture in China is still decades from mechanization. These are scenes from one of the most famous communes in China, in the province of Shansi.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: A street scene in Yenan, in 1937-47 capital of Red China. The caves in the background were used by Mao and his fellow leaders as well as by universities, hospitals, editorial offices and army headquarters.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Agriculture in China is still decades from mechanization. These are scenes from one of the most famous communes in China, in the province of Shansi.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Girls in a peasant dance.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Caves used as homes in western China
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: A scene at the largest steel-making plant in China, in Anshan. This foundry was build by the Russians around 1952, and is probably behind similar foundries in Japan or the west.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Girls dance in a park before a poster pledging Chinese help to the Vietnamese in their struggle against "U.S. Imperialism".
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: By and large, the young people of China are dedicated, proud of their country and its achievements and ignorant of the outside world. A typical young man, a Russian-speaking guide in Peking.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: The song and dance have now become essential parts of life in China but both are being used primarily to carry through the party line. These girls, in a Peking park, show Viet Nam guerrillas pursuing the Americans.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: An old man in charge of a portable library of comics for the kids. Almost without exception these comics are humorless and political. They preach a hatred for the United States and Japanese imperialism, seek to inculcate love for Mao Tse-tung and provide
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Anti-American propaganda posters on display in a street in west China. These are now an integral part of the Chinese landscape.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Foreigners living in Peking and working for the Chinese government stage a demonstration in a Peking park. Their banner reads "Death to Imperialism!"
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: The principal of the University of Shansi in the city of Taiyuan in western China. The woman is his deputy.