ThomasDral: Benthe: Armed and dangerous
ThomasDral: Benthe: Armed and dangerous
ThomasDral: Benthe: Armed and dangerous
ThomasDral: Benthe: Armed and dangerous
ThomasDral: Benthe: This is MY Aston, so stay away from my car
ThomasDral: Jeroen Bond at you're service
ThomasDral: Marjolein: Ready to drive off
ThomasDral: Marjolein: Ready to drive off
ThomasDral: Kevin & Welmoed - Push that car
ThomasDral: Kevin- Lift that car
ThomasDral: Kevin & Welmoed - Where is that suitcase comming from?
ThomasDral: Kevin & Welmoed - Armed and verry dangerous
ThomasDral: Welmoed - Armed and verry dangerous
ThomasDral: Kevin: Guard of the cash...
ThomasDral: In The Movies
ThomasDral: Kevin: Stay away from the money
ThomasDral: Welmoed: I'm armed and dangerous
ThomasDral: Kevin: Are you talking to me?
ThomasDral: Kevin & Jeroen: Hands of the money or I will shoot you
ThomasDral: Kevin & Jeroen: Bad Boys in the car having fun
ThomasDral: Kevin & Jeroen: Bad Boys in the car having fun
ThomasDral: Kevin & Jeroen & Thierry: We shoot, We share & We Socialize in a car
ThomasDral: Caught smoking
ThomasDral: Nawid, Annika & Frank: If a look could kill Nawid won't survive I guess
ThomasDral: Rosalie: Loanly on a chair looking good
ThomasDral: Loes & Demi: I like this ride
ThomasDral: Loes & Demi: I like this ride
ThomasDral: Demi: What do you think?
ThomasDral: Loes & Demi: I definitly bring this one home with me
ThomasDral: Julia: Freeze or I will shoot