ThomasDral: @JillesDotCom need to sell a pen. HELP!
ThomasDral: Poken Meetup 010
ThomasDral: Poken Meetup 010
ThomasDral: @JeffSimons giving his presentation
ThomasDral: @JillesDotCom selling a pen to @JeffSimons HELP!
ThomasDral: @JeffSimons giving his presentation
ThomasDral: @JillesDotCom giving his presentation
ThomasDral: @JillesDotCom giving his presentation
ThomasDral: @JillesDotCom giving his presentation
ThomasDral: Poken Meetup 010
ThomasDral: Dave Brown CIO of Poken
ThomasDral: @AymanVanBregt give's @JeffSimons a special thanx
ThomasDral: @AymanVanBregt gives Dave Brown a special thanx
ThomasDral: Dave Brown interviewd by @Marketingfacts