Cane Kong:
Mt. Fuji
Cane Kong:
Cane Kong:
Sony HQ
Cane Kong:
Guess which station it is! :-)
Cane Kong:
Where I used to live.
Cane Kong:
Cane Kong:
Inner Streets of Harajuku
Cane Kong:
Deeper in the Harajuku inner streets
Cane Kong:
Obligatory Shibuya Crossing Panorama
Cane Kong:
Shibuya Crossing
Cane Kong:
Statue of Hachiko The Dog
Cane Kong:
Uniqlos are everywhere!
Cane Kong:
Tokyo Skytree Logo
Cane Kong:
Tokyo from high up
Cane Kong:
Looking down is not for the faint hearted.
Cane Kong:
Sumidagawa Panoramic View
Cane Kong:
Lana Del Rey was everywhere!
Cane Kong:
The Infamous Glico Running Man of Osaka
Cane Kong:
Deer in the Park in Nara