ThØm△₪: Plank race
ThØm△₪: _YKL7095
ThØm△₪: Quite a queue for my shower
ThØm△₪: Phou Khao, Champasack, from La Folie, Don Deng, Laos. Le soir.
ThØm△₪: Champasack, Laos
ThØm△₪: _YKL5336
ThØm△₪: _YKL2310
ThØm△₪: Children in Ban Nongma
ThØm△₪: Children in Ban Nongma
ThØm△₪: Children in Ban Nongma
ThØm△₪: One hand rice threshing in Ban Nongma
ThØm△₪: _YKL1930
ThØm△₪: Abandoned tobacco drying sheds in Vientiane
ThØm△₪: Fish farm in the Mekong near Vientiane
ThØm△₪: What's for posterity ?
ThØm△₪: Giant bamboo on the Boloven Plateau
ThØm△₪: River from a zip-line of Tree Top Explorer
ThØm△₪: Waterfall in the Bolovens
ThØm△₪: Free as a bucket of snails
ThØm△₪: Paddy fields near Konglor
ThØm△₪: Rice planting in Konglor
ThØm△₪: Konglor cave entrance to valley
ThØm△₪: A beer and a cigarette
ThØm△₪: Laughters under a market stand
ThØm△₪: Bamboo shoots in bags at Houay Xai market
ThØm△₪: Pile of black pastas
ThØm△₪: Century eggs
ThØm△₪: Instant noddles
ThØm△₪: in the light
ThØm△₪: Euphorbia milii