Thomas Vessely: Admiration
Thomas Vessely: Mindless
Thomas Vessely: A-boy-and-his-train
Thomas Vessely: The-Dreams-of-Heloise
Thomas Vessely: L'Amiral de Coligny
Thomas Vessely: Un rêve de pierre
Thomas Vessely: Rose to stone
Thomas Vessely: Through the Looking Glass
Thomas Vessely: Pax vobiscum
Thomas Vessely: The Child
Thomas Vessely: Chimera du soir
Thomas Vessely: Griffon head
Thomas Vessely: Little Alice
Thomas Vessely: Parent's Grief
Thomas Vessely: Daughter
Thomas Vessely: The Boot
Thomas Vessely: Can you spare a match?
Thomas Vessely: Prayer in the Time of the Plague
Thomas Vessely: Reading the Story of her Life
Thomas Vessely: I pray thee then....
Thomas Vessely: The Queen
Thomas Vessely: El Patrón
Thomas Vessely: Flash Experiment Mask