inferno artist: Moments like these call for some old-school touristy Polaroid!
inferno artist: Ye Olde Faded Signboard at the souvenir shoppe
inferno artist: We would have got caught right there, and it would still have been worth it.
inferno artist: Rwoar! I am grass taking over
inferno artist: Hello Kitty
inferno artist: Into The Wild (1) - Rollercoaster Tracks
inferno artist: Into The Wild (2) - Rollercoaster and kiddy-train tracks
inferno artist: More of these ROFLers, get off your ass and get a freakin' job!
inferno artist: Swan rides, awaiting customers. And a pond.
inferno artist: I totally need a picture with this smiley thing!
inferno artist: That graffiti seems meaningful in here. Learn from it, kids, city hall and business districts just don't fit.
inferno artist: Ambitious tree. You're hired.
inferno artist: Derailed dandy
inferno artist: More of those guys, way off tracks