Thomas Covenant: Nomad bee - Nomada sp.
Thomas Covenant: Fly - Rhaphium crassipes ?
Thomas Covenant: Hoverfly. - Epistrophe eligans. (F)
Thomas Covenant: Sigh ...... OK enough with the photos how about filling my food bowl eh ?
Thomas Covenant: Bee. - Lasioglossum sp. ?
Thomas Covenant: Small Copper Butterfly - Lycaena phlaeas
Thomas Covenant: Hoverfly - Eristalis sp.
Thomas Covenant: Drummer on his 9 month birthday and not feeling too well.
Thomas Covenant: Hoverfly. - Merodon equestris ( narcissi form )
Thomas Covenant: White-tailed Bumblebee - Bombus lucorum
Thomas Covenant: Wasp - Ectemnius sp.
Thomas Covenant: Common Wasp - Vespula vulgaris
Thomas Covenant: Honey Bee - Apis mellifera
Thomas Covenant: "You've absolutely no idea of the pressure I'm under have you ........ sigh ! "
Thomas Covenant: Parasitic wasp
Thomas Covenant: Speckled Bush Cricket (F) - Leptophyes punctatissima
Thomas Covenant: Small Copper Butterfly - Lycaena phlaeas
Thomas Covenant: Small Copper Butterfly - Lycaena phlaeas
Thomas Covenant: Southern Hawker Dragonfly (F). - Aeshna cyanea
Thomas Covenant: Nomad bee - Nomada sp.
Thomas Covenant: 'The tao of love' - or two Pipunculidae sp. - 'Big Headed Flies' mating in flight.
Thomas Covenant: I want a bigger seat for Christmas please OK ?! - Drummer aged 8 months
Thomas Covenant: Speckled Wood Butterfly - Pararge aegeria
Thomas Covenant: ' The Many Coloured Land ' - Syritta pipiens
Thomas Covenant: Common Wasp - Vespula vulgaris
Thomas Covenant: Speckled Wood Butterfly - Pararge aegeria
Thomas Covenant: Small Tortoishell Butterfly. - Aglais urticae
Thomas Covenant: Small Copper Butterfly - Lycaena phlaeas
Thomas Covenant: Meadow Brown Butterfly - Maniola jurtina
Thomas Covenant: Common Blue Butterfly (F) - Polyommatus icarus