contemplative imaging: where there's smoke, there's fire
contemplative imaging: after the burn
contemplative imaging: fox river dock
contemplative imaging: branching out
contemplative imaging: fox river tributary
contemplative imaging: the bare trees of black tern marsh
contemplative imaging: you're on the right path
contemplative imaging: winter wetlands
contemplative imaging: the green of january
contemplative imaging: a road through the snow
contemplative imaging: the first robin of winter
contemplative imaging: a road through winter
contemplative imaging: spring time at black tern marsh
contemplative imaging: the tranquil marsh
contemplative imaging: great blue heron
contemplative imaging: three men in a boat
contemplative imaging: the autumn leaves of summer
contemplative imaging: the cattails are doing well this year....
contemplative imaging: a happy accident
contemplative imaging: evening comes to black tern marsh
contemplative imaging: still waters
contemplative imaging: a walk along the levee
contemplative imaging: just in time
contemplative imaging: The last flowers of fall
contemplative imaging: last flight of the sandhill cranes
contemplative imaging: when autumn leaves begin to fall
contemplative imaging: reach for the sky