contemplative imaging: Today I voted....for this tree...
contemplative imaging: orange maple
contemplative imaging: winter trees
contemplative imaging: goodnight sun
contemplative imaging: the colorful shades of evening
contemplative imaging: end of the day
contemplative imaging: the lone tree
contemplative imaging: the shoreline
contemplative imaging: the coming of evening
contemplative imaging: the edge of reflection
contemplative imaging: branches and limbs
contemplative imaging: reach for the sky
contemplative imaging: over and under
contemplative imaging: News Years Day
contemplative imaging: branches & blue
contemplative imaging: tree texture
contemplative imaging: somewhere along the mohawk
contemplative imaging: hudson river valley
contemplative imaging: tree texture
contemplative imaging: a tree in the field
contemplative imaging: a study in fungi
contemplative imaging: through the glass darkly
contemplative imaging: the two trees
contemplative imaging: into the distance