contemplative imaging:
bare trees
contemplative imaging:
a single barb
contemplative imaging:
contemplative imaging:
a nice old house
contemplative imaging:
street texture
contemplative imaging:
Crystal Lake Law
contemplative imaging:
METX 141
contemplative imaging:
METX 175
contemplative imaging:
a trio of F40's
contemplative imaging:
METX 134
contemplative imaging:
The Blomberg Truck - type "M"
contemplative imaging:
30 Railroad St.
contemplative imaging:
32 Railroad St.
contemplative imaging:
anybody need a stroller?
contemplative imaging:
this far and no further
contemplative imaging:
through the looking glass
contemplative imaging:
Hershey at rest
contemplative imaging:
Hershey the railfan
contemplative imaging:
Joe's Barber Shop
contemplative imaging:
30 E Running Depot
contemplative imaging:
The Little Way
contemplative imaging:
Cut 'N Cuddle
contemplative imaging:
signs of the time
contemplative imaging:
It's My Bag
contemplative imaging:
Crystal Lake Metra Station
contemplative imaging:
Yes, there is no parking fee today.
contemplative imaging:
don't eat that yellow phone
contemplative imaging:
star spangled banner
contemplative imaging:
Pop's Corn Crib (backside)
contemplative imaging:
the smallest porch