thomas@flickr: disc / crumb 03
thomas@flickr: disc / crumb 02
thomas@flickr: disc / crumb 01
thomas@flickr: 漁人的祭典 |a ritual for the fishman 01
thomas@flickr: 漁人的祭典 |a ritual for the fishman 02
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |one day in Cigu 09
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |one day in Cigu 08
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |one day in Cigu 07
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |one day in Cigu 06
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |one day in Cigu 05
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |one day in Cigu 04
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |one day in Cigu 03
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |one day in Cigu 02
thomas@flickr: 七股一日 |One day in Cigu 01
thomas@flickr: 午後的會議室 |afterroon in the meeting room
thomas@flickr: 上下 | up and down
thomas@flickr: 工作中 | Work in progress
thomas@flickr: 記憶中那天的晴朗 | Remember that sunny day
thomas@flickr: 無題 | Untitled
thomas@flickr: 料理中 | During the cooking process
thomas@flickr: 七股魚塭 | Fish pond at Cigu
thomas@flickr: 等候首班飛機 | Waiting for the first flight in the Tainan Airport
thomas@flickr: 禁入 | Prohibited from entering
thomas@flickr: 高、再高 | Higher and higher!
thomas@flickr: 等著過馬路的孩子們 | Schoolchildren waiting to cross the road
thomas@flickr: 鐵皮屋 | White metal hut
thomas@flickr: 週日午後的馬公機場 | The Magong airport, Sunday afternoon
thomas@flickr: 錯置 | Misplaced
thomas@flickr: 錯置 2 | Misplaced II
thomas@flickr: 樹屋 | Tree house