TRHolte: Snow Person with pink scarf
TRHolte: Memorial to Princess Di #2 with umbrella
TRHolte: Foggy morning in Milwaukee
TRHolte: Live by the sword, die by the sword
TRHolte: Land of the Rising Sun #2
TRHolte: Dog with tongue hanging out
TRHolte: Tooth Fairy with Bluebird #5
TRHolte: Sofa mobile to revolutionize the transportation industry!
TRHolte: Spider Man at the Art Museum #9
TRHolte: Statue with bra and purse
TRHolte: Even big boys in blue speedos need love
TRHolte: Relief is just a fountain away
TRHolte: Bowling for Calatrava
TRHolte: Please!
TRHolte: Streams of consciousness or global warming is here
TRHolte: Woman with sunglasses
TRHolte: Girl from the North Country adjusting the TV
TRHolte: Mime at the Uptown Art Festival in Minneapolis
TRHolte: Abstract taken with fellow Cream City photographers today
TRHolte: Man with duct tape bathing suit
TRHolte: Elvis in an udderly ridiculous situation
TRHolte: Man with blue and white umbrella
TRHolte: Porta-potties all in a row
TRHolte: Sidestroke #7
TRHolte: Snow person #7
TRHolte: Hi!
TRHolte: Man with goggles
TRHolte: Back to the future
TRHolte: Manikens in America #5
TRHolte: Looking at you #5