thorwaldstein: IMG_2388
thorwaldstein: Alice through the looking glass
thorwaldstein: Cloud shadows
thorwaldstein: Spinning
thorwaldstein: June afternoon along the river Wey (with post frontal cumuli) #clouds #wey #surrey
thorwaldstein: Looking for my delayed train. #surrey #guildford #train #station #morning
thorwaldstein: IMG_1804
thorwaldstein: First walk of spring 2015 #watts #chapel #huxley #surrey #cemetery #wattschapel
thorwaldstein: First walk of spring 2015 #watts #chapel #huxley #surrey #cemetery #wattschapel
thorwaldstein: Feeling looked down First walk of spring 2015 #watts #chapel #huxley #surrey #cemetery #wattschapel
thorwaldstein: First walk of spring 2015 #watts #chapel #huxley #surrey #cemetery #wattschapel
thorwaldstein: Dancing trees #orchard #wisley #rhswisley #rhs #surrey #spring
thorwaldstein: IMG_3583
thorwaldstein: IMG_3585
thorwaldstein: IMG_3586
thorwaldstein: IMG_3587
thorwaldstein: IMG_3588
thorwaldstein: IMG_3589
thorwaldstein: IMG_3590
thorwaldstein: IMG_3591